Bad Weather/Studio Closings Policy
In the case of inclement weather please check the website, email, and Facebook for information regarding classes being cancelled or postponed. www.acttooplayers.com | facebook.com/ActTooPlayers
Observers are not permitted in the studio during a class period or technical rehearsals. Parents are responsible for children in the lobby area and we ask that you respect the Studio's property.
Class Attire
Please wear tennis shoes or dance shoes and clothes that you can move in. Please no skirts, crocs, or flip flops.
Before Class Procedure
Please try to arrive at the studio five minutes before class. A late arrival can be distracting to the rehearsal process which will have already begun. While waiting please be courteous and quiet in the hall as there are other businesses and residences located near the studio. Sondra will not be available to answer questions at class time, if you have question or concern please let Sondra know through email preferably 24 hours before the next class.
Video Taping/Photography
Personal video taping of our performances is not permitted due to contractual agreements with licensing companies and the Franklin Theatre. A professional videographer will be present to video our performances, and you may order a copy at the beginning and end of each semester. No photography is permitted during the show.
Registration Fee
There is a registration fee of $50.00 per student. There is no deposit required to reserve your place in the class. The registration fee is nonrefundable and is automatically deducted within 48 hours of registering. The registration fee is not per class...just per student. For example, if you have 2 students who take 6 classes the total registration fee is $100.00. The purpose of the registration is to help secure your spot in the program. There is a considerable amount of interest in our program and often times are classes end up with wait lists.
Tuition Fees, Refunds & Drop Policy
In a Full Production class, each student is a vital member of each production, and therefore we want to encourage all students to honor their commitment through the end of the semester and the final show. If a student drops out after casting is done, the full tuition for the remainder of the semester will be immediately processed. If a refund is requested after payment is processed (before casting is complete), there will be a $20 processing fee.
For all Other Classes: If a student chooses to drop a class, you are still responsible for paying that month's tuition in full. If you are paying monthly we must receive written notification via email that you are dropping a class. Future payments will be cancelled after receiving the written notification.
For Summer Camps: A refund is granted if a program session is cancelled. No reduction in fees is given for late arrival, early departure, vacations, special events, short-term illness or expulsion for disciplinary reasons. Cancellation requests must be submitted via email to info@acttooplayers.com twelve (12) working days prior to the first day of the scheduled session-the initial deposit is nonrefundable.
If the cancellation is made before June 1st, any payment that has been made above the initial deposit will be refunded. There will be a $20 processing fee for each camp tuition that is refunded.
Payment Options
For Fall & Spring Semesters: Payment will be made on a monthly basis through automatic payment via the customer portal. You can add your choice of credit card/debit card. Payment will be automatically withdrawn on the 1st of the month. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the funds within the account to cover all tuition fees. There will be a $20.00 fee for payments that are not successfully processed. If you realize that you are unable to make a payment, please contact us so that we can find a solution that will work for everyone without the need for fees.
Please understand that tuition is a monthly payment.
We will provide the majority of the costumes for each show, but we require students to provide their own dance shoes (character, jazz, etc) and basic costume apparel including shirt, shoes, tights, leggings, etc.
It is your responsibility to make sure that you have given the correct email address to Act Too Players. To keep our emails from hitting your junk box, it is imperative that you add the following emails to your contact list to ensure delivery of emails: info@acttooplayers.com AND sondra@acttooplayers.com. We will send the majority of our communications through email. Your Customer Portal allows you to insert multiple email addresses for alternate contacts or for the student. You may contact Act Too Players by email at info@acttooplayers.com
For our Full Production Classes: We will be utilizing the Remind App to send quick updates, reminders, and notifications. Signup information for Remind will be sent home with your child after the first class.
Parking Lot Safety
The school is home to children of all ages. Please enter and exit our parking lot with extreme caution. Never park your vehicle in any area that is not a designated parking space. Please do not allow children to play in the parking lot.
Parking and Check in Procedures:
For students who do not drive, one parent or legal guardian is expected to escort their child to the door for check-in. Pick up will be at the door of the facility. Parents will be expected to arrive at the door and wait while their child is retrieved from inside the facility.
For the Fall Semester we break for Thanksgiving Week and Christmas Week through New Years. For the Spring Semester there will not be classes the week of WCS and FSSD Spring Break.
Technical Rehearsals
​The technical/dress rehearsals are mandatory as it allows the students an opportunity to perform on the stage with lights, props, sound cues, microphones, and lighting. Missing technical/dress rehearsals will not be permitted and will result in the student being pulled from the production or recital.
Ticket Policy
Tickets will go on sale approximately one month prior to the opening of the show. You can order tickets by either calling the Franklin Theatre at 615-538-2076 or by ordering tickets online at www.franklintheatre.com/live-theater. Ticket prices vary between $13.00 and $25.00. Parents are able to earn comp tickets by becoming a participating member of Parent Stagers.
All performances and dress rehearsals will be held at the Franklin Theatre. Both performances and dress rehearsals are mandatory. Students will need to arrive one hour and a half before show times on performance dates.
If a student is ill or misses class, the student is responsible for learning what he/she missed. We recommend finding a classmate to retrieve the missed information with similar blocking/choreography. While we do understand the importance of school and family functions, we also expect students to be in attendance as frequent absences restrict the potential of the group as a whole. Every member is important. If a student is going to miss class, please notify Sondra via email as soon as possible.
Medical & Medical Emergency
Parents or guardians will be notified by the office or extended care staff for all potentially serious injuries and for any head injury. In the event that a child sustains a serious injury and a parent cannot be reached, the family's doctor will be contacted (if the doctor's information is on file), and if necessary, 911 emergency services will be called.
Termination of Enrollment
In certain circumstances, when it is in the best interest of one or more students, it may be necessary Sondra to terminate a student's enrollment. Every effort will be made to correct a problematic situation before terminating enrollment. Reasons for termination of enrollment include the following:
-Excessive absences
-Missed technical/dress rehearsals.
-Disruptive or dangerous behavior by students or their parents.
-Abuse of other children, staff, or property.
-Inability of Act Too Players to meet the child's needs.
Parent Stagers
This is an opportunity for the parents to participate in the production as well. You can offer your sewing, organizing, painting, and set building talents to the show and earn additional comp tickets to see your child perform.
Quick Reference
Sondra Morton - sondra@acttooplayers.com
Jayme Smith - jayme@acttooplayers.com
Megan Chambers - megan@acttooplayers.com
Erica Haines - erica@acttooplayers.com
General - info@acttooplayers.com
Billing - billing@acttooplayers.com